Decoding Body Signals: How Your Body Communicates Its Protein Needs
Protein is a powerhouse macronutrient that plays a multitude of essential roles in our bodies. But how do we know if we’re getting the right amount? I love protein, but I hate tracking it. We can all look up the numbers, but I actually prefer to listen to my body’s signals to better understand what it needs. We wll explore more in this week’s Protein Unwrapped article.
Weather: Challenges of a Family Farmer
As you may know, my roots lie deep in the soil as a private family farmer. And for me, farming isn't just about business, it's an embodiment of roots, a connection to the land and to the soul of Mother Nature herself.
Can We Grow Pork from a Bean? Plant Molecular Farming Says Yes
Picture this: you’re walking through a field of soybeans. You bend to pick one; it’s covered in dew, looking lush and juicy. You open your mouth to take a bite, and… pork?
Food on the Go: Can Meal Replacement Powders Replace Whole Foods?
This week's article is all about Meal Replacement powders and MREs, those compact meals beloved by preppers and survivalists. Are these convenient options worth replacing whole foods with if you have a cramped schedule? We'll dive into the nutritional value, potential side effects, and even explore a promising alternative.
Unwrapping the Buzz Behind Bugs as Protein
How do you feel about bugs as a source of protein?
If your first response is “squeamish,” “uncomfortable,” or just plain “ick,” you’re not alone. And I don’t blame you! But maybe bugs deserve a second thought. In my most recent newsletter, I discuss my recent trip to Thailand with my daughter, during which we were confronted with (and in my case, inspired by) the growing global interest in using bugs as protein.
The Hurdles of Building a Perfect Product - And How to Overcome Them
I'm excited to share my latest article featured in Forbes, where I delve into the hurdles of building a perfect product and provide insights on how to overcome them. As a protein pioneer and CEO & Founder of betterland foods™, I've encountered my fair share of challenges in bringing innovative products to market.
SHOUTOUT LA Article: Meet Lizanne Falsetto | Food & Protein Pioneer, Wellness & Longevity Advocate and Speaker
Finding the Perfect Protein: A Journey from Field to Plate
In the latest "Protein Unwrapped" newsletter, I share my journey from animal-based proteins to discovering the wonders of plant-based options. Lentils, chia seeds, and other legumes and seeds provide nutritional prowess and sustainability. As our understanding evolves, we can embrace a diverse and bountiful future of protein. Join me in exploring, asking questions, and savoring our meals.
Takeaways from YPO’s Global Leadership Conference (GLC) Singapore 2023
It's both a pleasure and a privilege to have attended this year's YPO Conference in Singapore. What an incredible meeting of the minds that has truly opened the door to a wealth of innovative ideas and powerful partnerships.
Do we want to eat “fast” or “slow” proteins? Exploring the artful science of protein absorption in the kitchen.
Thrilled to bring to you the most recent publication of "Protein Unwrapped," my newsletter series delving into the multifaceted world of protein. In this episode, we take an enlightening expedition into understanding 'fast' and 'slow' proteins, discussing the artful science of protein absorption right from our kitchen..
Milk in the 21st Century: Navigating Consumer Preferences and Sustainability Challenges
I’m excited to share the most recent issue of Protein Unwrapped: “Milk in the 21st Century: Navigating Consumer Preferences and Sustainability Challenges”.
Introducing “Protein Unwrapped”
Unwrapping the History of Chocolate: From Mayan Civilization to Modern Times
Another Wellness Retreat at the Ranch
Last week, I hosted a wellness retreat for CEOs (YPO) at my ranch and it was a truly transformative experience.