Vulnerability & Leadership

As business leaders, we often emphasize strategy and growth but often overlook a vital component: vulnerability. In my journey, I've realized that fostering vulnerability and emotional resilience isn't just personal—it's essential for effective leadership. It builds authentic connections with teams, creating an environment where innovation and trust thrive.

One of the most profound influences on my leadership style has been the work of Brené Brown. In fact, her core message that “vulnerability is not weakness” resonated deeply with me as I navigated the challenges of building think! (Or thinkThin, as it was then) from my kitchen table to becoming one of the fastest-growing health food brands in the country.

For many leaders, vulnerability is often misunderstood as a sign of weakness, but Brown reframes it as a path to strength and growth. Early in my career, I would have avoided showing any sign of uncertainty, thinking it would undermine my authority. But as I scaled thinkThin®, I realized that the moments when I admitted I didn’t have all the answers were the moments when my team grew stronger. It was liberating to acknowledge my limits, and in doing so, I empowered others to step up, contribute more meaningfully, and share their own vulnerabilities.

Leading with vulnerability can create the space for better decision-making and a more engaged, empowered team. During the growth phase of thinkThin®, we were at a pivotal moment, deciding whether to expand rapidly or take a more measured approach. I remember feeling the weight of the decision heavily and realizing that I couldn’t pretend to have all the answers. I shared my concerns with my team, and that openness sparked one of the most productive discussions we ever had. The decision that followed was not just mine—it was a collective one.

If you're a leader, I encourage you to explore and embrace your vulnerability. You'll find it not only transforms your leadership, but empowers your entire organization.

To your vitality,



Turkish Hammam


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