Power of NEAT

I’m a huge fan of the Huberman Lab Podcast, and in a recent episode featuring Dr. Layne Norton, I was fascinated to learn about the concept of NEAT, or Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis. NEAT is the small, often unconscious movements we do throughout the day—standing, walking, fidgeting, gardening, and even folding laundry—that can significantly contribute to our daily caloric expenditure. Dr. Norton explained that NEAT can account for a substantial portion of our daily energy output, making it an accessible way to stay active without a dedicated workout.

For those with busy schedules, increasing NEAT can feel more achievable than committing to long workouts. Here are some practical ways to boost NEAT throughout the day:

  • Incorporate Movement Breaks: Stand up every hour for a quick stretch or walk.

  • Walk While You Work: Stand or walk during calls or virtual meetings.

  • Take the Stairs: An impactful way to increase NEAT.

  • Add Light Chores to Your Routine: Folding laundry or washing dishes adds movement.

  • Use a Standing or Walking Desk: I recently bought a walking desk for $399 and am in love with it!

NEAT fits well with a holistic approach to wellness and longevity, which is central to our mission at the YPO Health & Wellness Network. Instead of high-intensity workouts, NEAT encourages sustainable, simple movements that improve overall wellness.

For women, hormonal fluctuations can impact energy levels, affecting NEAT naturally. During more energetic phases of the menstrual cycle, women may feel inclined to move more, while in other phases, energy may decrease.

Whether new to NEAT or already incorporating it intuitively, the science shows its benefits. NEAT is a practical, effective, and sustainable approach to health.

#PowerOfNEAT #ActiveLifestyle #HubermanLab #DrLayneNorton #YPOHealthAndWellness


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