Protein - In Proper Moderation

I learned a hard lesson the other week. You often hear me advocate for the benefits of protein in our diets, but today, I'm sharing a personal story about what happens when you overdo a good thing.

You know how I always encourage adding more protein to your diet? Well, I overdid it at the suggestion of a personal trainer, and my latest blood tests threw me a curveball.

Instead of boosting my health, the excessive protein shook up my system—my blood sugar went haywire, and my cholesterol levels jumped from a healthy 190 to a concerning 260.

This was a loud wake-up call from my body, signaling that even beneficial nutrients like protein need moderation.

I learned two valuable lessons from this experience:
1)  Dietary advice, even when widely accepted, needs to be personalized and adjusted over time. What worked for me in my 30s won’t work for me now. I've since now reduced my protein intake to about 50 grams per day, increasing my fiber intake to support overall metabolic health.

2) Regularly monitor your health; don’t wait for a health scare to go to the doctor. Quarterly bloodwork isn't just routine; it's essential. It helped me catch these changes before they turned into serious issues, allowing me to adjust my diet accordingly.

Remember, the path to health is not linear; it's filled with learning and readjustments.

Here's to making informed, healthy choices every step of the way!

To your vitality,


Dr. Longo’s Prolon Diet


EBOO (Extracorporeal Blood Oxgenation & Ozonation